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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

Fed Keeps Fed Funds Target Range at 0 - 1/4%; Announces Shift in Maturity of $400 Billion in Treasury Security Holdings

The Federal Reserve’s monetary policymaking committee (the Federal Open Market Committee – FOMC) maintained its 0.0%-0.25% target federal funds rate through mid-2013. In an effort to reduce longer-term interest rates, the FOMC announced a shift to replace $400 billion of its shorter-term (3 years or...

Not So FAST, Mr. President.

President Obama’s latest economic stimulus proposal includes the $25 billion “Fix America’s School’s Today (FAST)” initiative.1 While there is no question that schools may have very real maintenance and modernization needs the nation’s school systems are so diverse that it is impossible for a Washin...

External Shock

U.S. policymakers should prepare for the increasing possibility that the euro zone sovereign debt crisis will worsen, threatening the anemic U.S. recovery and increasing the risk for a double-dip recession. The economies of the United States and the euro zone are interconnected by credit and trade f...

Weekly Economic Update: August 29- September 2, 2011

Overview: The economy added no new payroll jobs in August as the unemployment rate held steady at 9.1%. Personal income increased 0.3% in July as spending rose 0.8%. Productivity decreased at an annual pace of 0.7% in the 2nd quarter of 2011. The ISM index edged down 0.3 points to 50.6 in August....

Comparing Recoveries Payroll Employment

Unemployment by Category

Employment Sector Changes

Payroll Employment

Civilian Unemployment Rate

Payroll employment unchanged in August; unemployment rate steady at 9.1%

August Employment and Unemployment: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released a report today on payroll employment and unemployment for August (pdf summary available at Highlights of the report: Unemployment Rate The unemployment rate held s...