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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

Payroll employment up 103,000 in September; unemployment rate steady at 9.1%

Weekly Economic Update: September 26-30, 2011

Overview: GDP growth for the 2nd quarter was revised slightly upwards to 1.3%. Personal income declined 0.1% while personal spending rose 0.2% in August. New home sales fell 2.3% in August as pending home sales decline 1.2%. The Case-Shiller home price index was down 4.1% from a year ago in July. ...

Debunking the Obama-Buffett Myth on Taxes

President Obama has cited billionaire investor Warren Buffett in his ill-conceived crusade to raise tax rates on high income individuals. In advocating for a so-called “Buffett Rule” the President argued: Middle-class families shouldn’t pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires … Warren B...

Weekly Economic Update: September 19-23, 2011

Overview: The FOMC announced its plan to lengthen the maturity of $400 billion worth of its Treasury holdings. Existing home sales increased 7.7% in August as housing starts declined 5.0% and building permits rose 3.2%. Initial jobless claims fell 9,000 to a level of 423,000 for the week ended 9/1...

Gross Government Debt as Percent of GDP

Total U.S. Government Spending

Fed Balance Sheet vs. Bank Holdings in Reserves at Fed

Rise in Fed Treasury Holdings

What is the Tipping Point

Hearing: "Manufacturing in the USA: How U.S. Trade Policy Offshores Jobs?"

It is long past time to debunk the myth that the economic freedom to trade leads to offshoring of U.S. jobs. The facts are just the opposite. It is the absence of an aggressive, pro-active trade agenda that leaves America falling behind its global competitors and places our manufacturers at a severe...