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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

Fact Check President's Spending vs Taxes Claim

Weekly Economic Update: January 30- February 3

The economy added 243,000 jobs as the unemployment rate declined to 8.3% in January. Personal income increased 0.5% while personal spending was unchanged in December. The Case-Shiller index was down 1.3% in November. The ISM index increased 1.0 point to 54.1 in January as the ISM services index r...

Payroll Employment up 243,000, Unemployment Rate Drops to 8.3%

Nonfarm payroll employment jumped by 243,000 during January. This is significantly higher than the consensus estimate of private forecasters who were looking for a gain of roughly 130,000 payroll jobs for the month. Over the past year, total nonfarm payrolls are up by 1.953 million or 1.5%. Priv...

Weekly Economic Update: January 23-27, 2012

GDP grew at a real annual rate of 2.8% in the 4th quarter of 2011. The FOMC held constant its target federal funds rate and stated its intent to keep rates exceptionally low through the end of 2014. Pending home sales declined 3.5% in December as new home sales fell 2.2%. Durable orders were up 3...

Real GDP Grows at Annual Rate of 2.8% in 4th-quarter

Growth during the quarter reflected positive contributions from private inventory investment, personal consumption expenditures (PCE), exports, residential fixed investment, and nonresidential fixed investment. Those positive contributions were partially offset by negative contributions from feder...

Federal Reserve’s FOMC Maintains 0.0% - 0.25% Fed Funds Target Rate

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted to maintain its policy of exceptionally low interest rates, keeping the target for the federal funds rate at 0.0% - 0.25%. In addition to maintaining its target rate range, the FOMC noted that economic conditions “are likely to warrant exceptionally l...

Manufacturing Value Added and Employment

Comparing Recoveries

U.S. Manufacturing Output vs. Jobs Since 1975

Manufacturing Value Added as a % of GDP