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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

A Place to Call Home: Improving Foster Care and Adoption Policy to Give More Children a Stable Family

The need for foster and adoptive families is great. In 2018, more than 400,000 children were in foster care, and 18,000 youth left foster care without a permanent home.

High-Social Capital Cities Not Immune to Homicide Spike

Cities with higher murder rates this year tend to have lower overall social capital scores.

New Research Confirms Importance of Social Capital and Two-Parent Families for Upward Mobility

The Demise of the Happy Two-Parent Home

As sources of valuable social capital, few relationships are as important as the family ties between parents and children. However, as with other features of our associational life, family ties have been weakening for several decades.

State Inflation Tracker: May

State Inflation Tracker: June 2022

State Inflation Tracker: June 2022

More Research Confirms Importance of Social Capital in Studying Coronavirus

Recent research suggests a relationship between social capital and the behaviors that curb the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19: Worse than Ever Outside the New York Area?

As states and municipalities begin to reopen their economics, cases outside of New York and New Jersey may be higher than ever and rising.

Reopen Readiness Metric Tracker: A Tool to Evaluate when It’s Safe to Reopen

As state and local governments seek to re-open businesses and public spaces safely, various organizations and government agencies have recommended a number of convergent data-driven criteria to guide them.