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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

Declining Dollar Adds to the Price of Gas as of May 4, 2012

Weekly Economic Update: April 30-May 4, 2012

The economy added 115,000 jobs in April as the unemployment rate edged down to 8.1%. Personal income rose 0.4% in March as spending rose 0.3%. Productivity declined at an annual pace of 0.5% in the 1st quarter. The ISM index rose 1.4 points to 54.8 in April as the ISM services index declined 2.5 ...

Reagan Road Would Mean 6.5 Million More Jobs

A Tale of Two Recoveries:Obama & Reagan

A Tale of Two Recoveries

Unemployment Rate Decline Since October 2009 Peak

April Employment: +115,00 payroll jobs; unemployment rate edges down to 8.1%

April Employment and Unemployment: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released a report today on payroll employment and unemployment for April

Weekly Economic Update: April 23-27, 2012

GDP growth for the 1st quarter came in at an annual pace of 2.2%. New home sales fell 7.1% in March as pending home sales increased 4.1%. The Case-Shiller home price index was up 0.1% in February. Durable orders rose 4.2% in March. The FOMC held constant its 0.0%-0.25% target for the federal fund...

Economy Slowly Growing, Labor Market Lagging Behind, and Housing Market Still in a Rut

It took 15 quarters for the U.S. economy to return to its pre-recession level of real GDP, which was three times longer than the average for 10 previous recoveries since World War II, according to Bloomberg. The labor market has yet to recover, and uncertainty regarding future tax increases schedule...

Big Government or Free Markets