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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

Unemployment Rate Decline A Mirage

A Disappointing Employment Report … Again

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the shutdown-delayed September employment report. It certainly wasn’t worth the wait. BLS reported that the economy added 148,000 nonfarm payroll jobs and 126,000 private sector payroll jobs during September and that the unemployment rate di...

Weekly Economic Update: October 14-18, 2013

Due to the recent government shutdown, the following releases are delayed: consumer price index (October 30th), industrial production (October 28th), and housing starts and building permits. Initial jobless claims fell 15,000 to 358,000 for the week ended 10/12.

Yes Virginia, the Obama Recovery Really is that Bad

More than four years after the end of the recession, much of the nation has yet to experience anything resembling a normal economic recovery. The JEC staff prepared the attached analysis that examines just how poorly this recovery stacks up against past recoveries. It also addresses some of the mi...

Weekly Economic Update: October 7-11, 2013

Due to the government shutdown, the following releases are delayed: international trade, the Treasury budget, business inventories, retail sales, and the producer price index. Consumer credit increased $13.63 billion (0.5%) to $3.037 trillion in August. Initial jobless claims spiked 66,000 to 374,00...

Not the Way to Grow a Strong Middle Class

Food Stamps: People Benefits and Costs of Food

American Families Suffer While Wall Street Roars

Wall Street Roars, Main Street Left Behind

Total Growth in Real Per Capita Disposable Income Following Post 1960 Recessions