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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

Labor Review: Context for the August Labor Report

Friday’s August employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) saw a 151,000 gain in nonfarm payroll jobs. Private payrolls gained 126,000 jobs. In the household survey, the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.9%. The number of employed was up 97,000 from July, and the number of...

Weekly Economic Update: September 5 – September 9, 2016

A look at the previous week's headlines and a preview of what is to come this week.

Six New, Scary Equations from the Congressional Budget Office

(Revenues > Historical Average) + (Spending MUCH > Average) = $1T Deficits Over the past 50 years, average revenues were 17.4% of the economy’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while spending averaged 20.2%...

Weekly Economic Update: August 29 – September 2, 2016

A look at the upcoming week and a roundup of the previous week's headlines.

Weekly Economic Update: August 22 – August 26, 2016

A review of recent headlines and a look at the week ahead.

Let Freedom Ring: Policies That Promote Freedom Also Promote Prosperity

With the decline of economic freedom and the subsequent slow economic recovery of the last seven years, it is clear that America is moving away from the very ideals that made it a major global presence and exemplar of high living standards. Hopefully, lawmakers can make better decisions and preserv...

Weekly Economic Update: August 8 – August 12, 2016

A preview of the coming week and a roundup of the previous week's headlines.

Weekly Economic Update: August 1 – August 5, 2016

A look at the previous week's headlines and a preview of the week ahead.

GDP Review: Context for 2nd Quarter 2016 GDP

Last Friday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported real gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 1.2% in the second quarter of 2016, for a 1.0% average real GDP growth rate for 2016 thus far.

If You Thought Insolvency Warnings from the Social Security and Medicare Trustees Were Dire, Check out CBO’s New Projections

1. Social Security bankruptcy is looming. Under current law, once Social Security trust funds are depleted, automatic benefit cuts kick in. Both the Social Security and Medicare trustees (trustees) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) expect the first bankruptcy to occur in the Social Secur...