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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Unleashing Economic Prosperity

‘Brexit’ Can Give Free Trade New Momentum

In 1957, the Treaty of Rome created the European Common Market, which set Europe on its path toward unification. In 1973, the United Kingdom (U.K.) became one of the Common Market’s first three new member countries.

Weekly Economic Update: March 27 – March 31, 2017

The Weekly Economic Update features our Chart of the Week, previews the week ahead, and gives a roundup of the previous week's headlines.

Consumer Directed Health Plans with HSAs are Growing in Popularity

More people are using HDHP/HSA plans and these plans helped control the cost of health care for participants. HSAs offer a cost effective payment and savings option for an increasing number of Americans.

Weekly Economic Update: March 20 – March 24, 2017

Featuring the Chart of the Week, our Weekly Economic Update previews the weak ahead and gives a roundup of the previous week's headlines.

Declining Obamacare Participation: Five Takeaways from the 2017 Enrollment Report

Obamacare enrollment again fell short of expectations. Roughly half a million fewer people enrolled in ACA plans than in 2016. Assuming that at least 10 percent of the 12.2 million who signed up will drop out by failing to pay premiums (typically 13 percent drop out), [2] final enrollment will likel...

March FOMC Review

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted to increase its federal funds rate target range from 0.50-0.75% to 0.75-1.00%

Five Facts About the Congressional Budget Office Estimate of the American Health Care Act (AHCA)

AHCA is only step one in repealing and replacing Obamacare. The CBO analysis does not take into account actions the Administration is taking to stabilize insurance markets, nor does it include the effects of subsequent legislation planned by congressional Republicans to provide patients with even gr...

Tiberi Statement on Federal Reserve Interest Rate Announcement

U. S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today issued a statement regarding the decision by Federal Reserve officials to increase the target federal funds rate to between 0.75 and 1.0 percent.

January State Unemployment Reports

An in-depth look at each state's employment situation.

Weekly Economic Update: March 13 – March 17, 2017

Americans who had hoped for quality, affordable health care in the Obamacare exchanges are instead finding higher premiums and shrinking choices of insurers, doctors, and hospitals. The JEC created a snapshot of the current “State of Obamacare” nationally and in each state.