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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Reports and Issue Briefs

Research (Republican)

American Innovation Threatened by Digital Service Taxes

America leads the world in innovation that improves lives and transforms everything from the way we do business to ordinary activities in our daily lives.

Research (Republican)

November FOMC Review

The economy’s resurgence, driven by pro-growth regulatory reform and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, has enabled the Federal Reserve to normalize interest rates, i.e., get them to a level that is more consistent with historical norms, and to start shrinking its balance sheet. To realize the full effects ...

Research (Republican)

Good Riddance, Individual Mandate Tax

Obamacare forced Americans to buy government-approved health insurance—a federal command known as the individual mandate—and enforced it by taxing people who are uninsured. Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ended the tax (beginning in 2019), reality has defied every doomsday prediction.

Research (Republican)

The Numbers Behind the Opioid Crisis: Revised Utah Edition

The opioid crisis remains one of the most pressing issues of our time. Who succumbs to addiction—and is therefore at risk of dying from a drug overdose—is affected by a variety of factors, but many of them are social. Adults who experience childhood trauma—often at the hands of a family member—are a...

Research (Republican)

The Innovation Economy

Research (Republican)

Q3-2018 GDP Review

RGDP growth averaged 3.0% over the last six quarters compared to the Obama Administration’s 2.2% recovery average despite its predictions that faster growth was no longer attainable. Likewise, take-home pay (real disposable income—inflation-adjusted income after taxes) is growing faster. It has aver...

Research (Republican)

The Rise of American Wages and Incomes

Research (Republican)

Real Wages Are Growing: Low-Income Workers are Better Off Now

The wages of the bottom 10% of full-time wage and salary workers have averaged 4.9 percent annual growth over the last four quarters—well above inflation. This is more evidence that the stronger economy made possible by pro-growth policies is helping workers who have faced some of the greatest chall...

Research (Republican)

Record-Shattering Low Unemployment

As of September 2018, the overall U.S. unemployment rate was the lowest since December 1969. Several groups within the workforce also experienced the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded in the last half-century, including disabled men, black men, Hispanics, Hispanic women, women, and married wom...

Research (Republican)

CBO Blows Away Democrats' Biggest Tax Reform Myths

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its latest report on the Fiscal Year 2018 federal budget. Here's what you need to know.