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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Press Releases

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Newsroom (Republican)

Jobs Need to be the Top Priority as Jobless Rate Remains High

Newsroom (Republican)

Third Quarter GDP Economy Remains Feeble Under Obama

Newsroom (Republican)

House Economic Leader Weighs in Against New Fed Stimulus

Newsroom (Republican)

Play Obamanopoly to find out how much EXTRA Obamacare will cost!

Last March, President Obama and Democrats in Congress hailed passage of the $1.3 trillion Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, claiming that, despite a massive expansion of government’s role in health care, the 2,801-page law will actually reduce the deficit. Critics pointed out that the leg...

Newsroom (Republican)

Major U.S. Cities Lost 1 Million Jobs

Washington, D.C. - The twenty largest metropolitan areas in America have a million fewer workers on the job today than when the $814 billion federal stimulus program began, according to a new economic analysis by a congressional panel.

Newsroom (Republican)

Major U.S. Cities Lost 1 Million Jobs Despite Massive Stimulus

Newsroom (Republican)

Will Taxing the Wealthy Reduce the Federal Deficit?

Washington, DC - President Obama and congressional Democrats argue it’s necessary to raise taxes on high wage earners in order to reduce the skyrocketing federal deficit. In his most recent budget message to Congress, the president vows to “eliminate the Bush tax cuts for those making more than $250...

Newsroom (Republican)

Ron Paul on “More Inflation Fears”

"Inflation fears are heating up this week as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave a speech in Boston on Friday, causing further frantic flight into gold by those fearful of the coming “quantitative easing” the Fed is set to deliver in November. Others who view gold as a short term investment engaged in im...

Newsroom (Republican)

September Job Losses "More of the Same"

Washington, DC -- While President Obama continues to deny the U.S. economy is in a jobless economy, the September unemployment rate stayed stagnant at 9.6% as 95,000 more American workers lost their jobs.

Newsroom (Republican)

FOX Business The Willis Report 10-06-10

Congressman Brady discusses how this Congress and President have spent nearly $2 for every tax dollar raised in their 7 signature initiatives including Obamacare and the stimulus. The numbers were crunched by the economists on the Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee and shine a harsh li...