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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Press Releases

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Newsroom (Republican)

Vice Chairman Brady's Second Round of Questioning at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

Joint Economic Committee hearing, Manufacturing in the USA: Training

Newsroom (Republican)

Hearing - Manufacturing in the USA: Training America’s Workforce

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at 10:15 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building.

Newsroom (Republican)

Stubbornly High Jobless Rate is an Economic Decision Point

Washington, DC -- The nation's unemployment rate inched up to 9.2% in June as our economy created an anemic 18,000 total payroll jobs when roughly 250,000 new payroll jobs are needed to significantly reduce the unemployment rate. "America is at an economic decision point," said U.S. Congressman K...

Newsroom (Republican)

JEC Republican Staff Commentary: Uncharted Depths: Welcome to Barack Obama's "Recovery Bummer"

Representative Brady and Senator DeMint have released the attached JEC Republican Staff Commentary (link here): Uncharted Depths: Welcome to Barack Obama’s “Recovery Bummer.” The report compares today’s dismal economic conditions—including employment, GDP, consumer spending and credit, housing, ...

Newsroom (Republican)

Vice Chairman Brady Questions Witnesses at JEC Hearing on Manufacturing in the U.S.

Vice Chairman Brady questions the panel of witnesses on regulatory burden and trade agreements to allow manufacturers compete globally.

Newsroom (Republican)

Vice Chairman Brady Presents his Opening Statement at a JEC Hearing on Manufacturing

Vice Chairman Brady's Opening Statement at the JEC hearing on "Manufacturing in the USA: Why We Need a National Manufacturing Strategy."

Newsroom (Republican)

Rep. Mulvaney's Second Round of Questions at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

Newsroom (Republican)

Representative Duffy Questions Witnesses at a JEC Hearing on Manufacturing

Rep. Duffy questions the panel of witnesses on the impact of economic uncertainty on business and manufacturing in the U.S.

Newsroom (Republican)

Rep. Mulvaney's First Round of Questions at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

Rep. Mulvaney questions the panel of witnesses on the importance and benefits of corporate tax reform in the field of manufacturing.

Newsroom (Republican)

Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady: Manufacturing in the USA

Washington, DC – I thank Chairman Casey for calling a hearing on this important topic. The U.S. manufacturing sector has changed dramatically over the last several decades. Manufacturing productivity in America has soared, what took 1,000 workers to produce in 1950 now takes only 184. U.S. m...