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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

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Newsroom (Republican)

Coats Says Anemic 0.5% Growth is Unacceptable

Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.), the chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, spoke on the Senate floor about Thursday’s announcement by the Bureau of Economic Analysis that the U.S. economy grew by only 0.5% in the first quarter of 2016.

Newsroom (Republican)

Sens. Thune, Coats Demand Better Than the Obama Economy

U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, and U.S. Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.), chairman of the United States Joint Economic Committee, issued a joint statement in response to new numbers revealing yet another quarter of sluggish growth for the American economy.

Newsroom (Republican)

Coats Opening Statement: JEC Hearing -- Is Our Complex Code Too Taxing on the Economy?

Joint Economic Committee Chairman Dan Coats (R-Ind.) delivered an opening statement during a hearing on tax code complexity entitled “Is Our Complex Code Too Taxing on the Economy?”

Newsroom (Republican)

Happy Tax Day!

Tax Fact of the Day: Dr. Art Laffer estimates that income per person in America would increase if the tax code were less complex.

Newsroom (Republican)

Countdown to Tax Day -- Day 1

Tax Fact of the Day: Federal tax law, including the tax code, regulations, and important cases, grew to over 74,000 pages in 2014.

Newsroom (Republican)

Countdown to Tax Day -- Day 2

Tax Fact of the Day: The tax code is so complex that 90% of taxpayers use a paid preparer or buy software to figure out their tax burden.

Newsroom (Republican)

Countdown to Tax Day -- Day 3

Tax Fact of the Day: Estimates of what it costs taxpayers in a single year to comply with the tax code range from $233.8 billion to $431.1 billion to as high as $987 billion.

Newsroom (Republican)

Countdown to Tax Day -- Day 4

Tax Fact of the Day: Americans waste 6.1 billions hours per year figuring out taxes... and that doesn't even include the tax burdens from Obamacare.

Newsroom (Republican)

Countdown to Tax Day -- Day 5

Tax Fact of the Day: Delaying pro-growth tax reform means a smaller economy, fewer jobs, and less investment in America.

Newsroom (Republican)

Countdown to Tax Day -- Day 6

Tax Fact of the Day: Pro-growth tax reform could boost our anemic economic growth.