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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Press Releases

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Newsroom (Republican)

Rep. Brady Questions Chair Romer at 7/14 Hearing on Economic Outlook

Ranking House Member Kevin Brady questions Chairwomen Christina Romer of the Council of Economic Advisers about the White House's "rosy" stimulus package projections during a Joint Economic Committee hearing held on July 14th.

Newsroom (Republican)

Representative Burgess Opening Statement at 7/14 Hearing on Economic Outlook

Representative Michael Burgess, Republican member of the Joint Economic Committee presents his opening statement at the July 14th hearing on the Economic Outlook with witness, The Honorable Christina Romer, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers in Washington, DC.

Newsroom (Republican)

Senator Brownback Questions Chair Romer at 7/14 Hearing on Economic Outlook

JEC Ranking Republican Brownback questions Chair Romer of the Council of Economic Advisers about the possible adverse effects of Cap and Trade legislation in conjunction with the uncertainty the American people have in the current economic situation.

Newsroom (Republican)

Sen. Brownback Continues Questioning Chair Romer at 7/14 Hearing

JEC Ranking Republican Brownback continues questioning Chair Romer about economic uncertainty and cap and trade legislation along with questioning on Free Trade Agreements and the G20 during a recent Joint Economic Committee hearing.

Newsroom (Republican)

Sen. Brownback 4th Round of Questioning at 7/14 Hearing

JEC Ranking Republican Brownback questions Chair Romer about Unemployment Insurance during the July 14th Joint Economic Committee Hearing on the Economic Outlook.

Newsroom (Republican)

Economic Outlook - Statement

Newsroom (Republican)

Hearing Announcement: The Economic Outlook

Hearing Announcement A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Wednesday, July 14, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. in room 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Hearing on “The Economic Outlook” Witness: The Honorable Christina Romer, Chair,...

Newsroom (Republican)

Rep. Kevin Brady's Opening Statement at 7/2/10 Hearing on Employment

Representative Kevin Brady, Senior House Republican for the Joint Economic Committee presents his opening statement at the July 2nd Hearing on "The Employment Situation: June 2010" with witness Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC .

Newsroom (Republican)

Rep. Burgess Opening Statement - JEC Hearing on Fueling Local Economies

Representative Michael Burgess, Republican member of the Joint Economic Committee presents his opening statement at the June 29th Hearing on Fueling Local Economies: Research Innovation and Jobs.

Newsroom (Republican)

Rep. Brady Opening Statement - JEC Hearing on Fueling Local Economies

Representative Kevin Brady, Senior House Member for the Joint Economic Committee presents his opening statement at the June 29th Hearing on Fueling Local Economies: Research Innovation and Jobs.