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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

New unemployment numbers do not tell the whole story

Whether we care to admit it or not, 2.8 million more people were still out of work in January 2012 than the 12.8 million officially counted as unemployed. Our labor force should not be shrinking because people stop actively seeking jobs. It should be increasing because, like 243,000 other Americ...

Mr. President: Why the change?

“This Congress cannot and should not leave for vacation until they have made sure that tax increase doesn’t happen. Let me repeat that: Congress should not and cannot go on vacation before they have made sure that working families aren’t seeing their taxes go up by $1,000 … I expect all of us to d...


Excessive debt threatens the economic future of the United States. Economists are increasingly sounding alarm bells that the escalating federal debt is reaching unsustainable levels. A recent paper by three economists at the Bank of International Settlements bluntly notes, “[A]t low levels, debt is...

OP ED: Spend Less And Owe Less To Make Economy Grow

For the past two years, Americans have been told that the only way to economic recovery is more federal spending that drives up federal debt. The White House and Washington Democrats continue to cling to this failed economic model, refusing to listen to the voices of respected economists in America....

Op Ed: So much for the little guy

The Obama administration’s tough statements about Wall Street misdeeds mask a strange fact: For an administration that talks so much about helping the little guy, it is astonishing how many of President Barack Obama’s “reforms” work to the advantage of powerful corporate interests at the expense of ...

Spending won't cut dangerous deficit

By creating a National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, President Barack Obama has acknowledged the new political reality: Voters have had enough of this administration’s attempts to spend the country’s way out of this recession while permanently increasing the size of government

Exploding Debt Threatens Economic Recovery

The latest U.S. national-debt figures are truly mind-boggling: According to the Treasury Department, for the twelve-month period ending Dec. 31, 2009, the federal government ran a deficit of $1.472 trillion, which is 116 percent greater than the deficit for the twelve-month period that ended Decembe...

Abortion deal is a radical change

For over 30 years, the Hyde amendment has prevented the expenditure of federal funds on abortion, which so many regard as the taking of an innocent human life. Named after the late Henry Hyde, longtime member of Congress from Illinois and pro-life hero, the Hyde amendment established the principle t...

Sen. Sam Brownback: Perverse Obamacare incentives jeopardize recovery

There is some hope in the latest report on unemployment that our battered economy may be showing some tentative signs of recovery as the rate of job loss continues to slow. But with consumer confidence still low, unemployment hovering at 10 percent, and over 7 million jobs lost since the beginnin...

Protect Health-Care Access for Disabled Americans

Last summer, the American people voiced their dissatisfaction with health care plans under consideration, but it is now clear that congressional leaders are not listening to their concerns. The Baucus plan, reported out of the Senate Finance Committee two weeks ago, is the latest “reform” effort tha...