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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Job Growth in America Continues to Flounder

Washington, DC -- As more Americans left the job hunt in July, the national jobless rate remained at 9.5%. "The economy is headed the wrong direction, with growth dropping by half since the beginning of the year. That’s not good news for struggling American families out of work, " said U.S. Cong...

House GOP Deflate Democratic Job Claims

Washington, DC -- Just days after House Democratic leaders touted their new report, titled Understanding the Economy: Promising Signs of Recovery in Manufacturing, which claims credit for creating 136,000 manufacturing jobs since January, House GOP leaders unveiled economic data from the administrat...


Washington, DC – Four months after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously declared “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it,” a congressional panel has released the first chart illustrating the 2,801 page health care law President Obama signed into law in March.

Hearing - The Employment Situation: July 2010

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Friday, August 6, 2010, at 9:30 a.m., in room 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Hearing on “The Employment Situation: July 2010” Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Washi...

Rep. Brady Discusses Complexity of Obamacare Chart on Fox Business News

Representative Kevin Brady, Senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee discusses the complexity of a chart released by the Joint Economic Committee minority yesterday, the detailed organization chart displays a bewildering array of new government agencies, regulations and mandates in th...

Rep. Brady Questions Dr. Ward of Texas A&M University at JEC Clean Energy Hearing

Rep. Michael Burgess Opening Statement at 7/27 JEC Hearing

Rep. Kevin Brady Opening Statement at 7/27 JEC Hearing

Rep. Campbell Questions Witnesses at 7/27 JEC Hearing on Clean Energy Economy

Rep. Burgess Questions Witnesses at 7/27 JEC Hearing on Promoting Clean Energy Economy