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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman



Washington, DC - Today, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam joined Kevin Brady, the top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee for the release of new economic data that proves government spending cuts help grow economies.

Statement of Representative Kevin Brady

?For the past two years the American people have been told the only way to economic recovery was more federal spending that drove up federal debt. The White House and Washington Democrats continue to cling to this failed economic model, refusing to listen to the voices of respected economists in Ame...

Rep. Brady on Fox Business News to Discuss Oil Prices and Energy Jobs

Representative Kevin Brady, Republican Vice Chairman Designate of the Joint Economic Committee appeared on Fox Business News today to discuss the future of oil prices and energy jobs in the new congress.

Rep. Kevin Brady on Fox Business' Varney & Co. 1-26-11

Representative Kevin Brady appeared on Fox Business today to talk about how in debt we are as a nation from Washington down to our towns, cities and states -- some of which are considering bankruptcy options. The Congressional Budget Office has announced that the deficit this year will be a record $...

Rep. Kevin Brady Speaks on House Floor about Repealing Health Care Law

Shows chart created by Joint Economic Committee Republican staff detailing the bureaucracies of the new bill.

Rep. Brady speaks on House floor about Tax Cuts Bill

Representative Kevin Brady, Senior House Representative for the Joint Economic Committee speaks about Tax Cuts & Unemployment Benefits on House floor.

Rep. Brady Opening Statement at JEC Employment Hearing

Joint Economic Committee Hearing on the Employment Situation

Employment Situation in November 2010

Employment Hearing

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Friday, December 3, 2010, at 9:30 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building. Hearing on “The Employment Situation: November 2010”

Weekly Economic Update: Nobember 1-5, 2010

Overview: The economy added 151,000 jobs in October as the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 9.6%. The Fed held constant its target fed funds rate at 0.0%-0.25% and announced a $600 billion Treasury purchase plan. Personal income fell 0.1% in September as spending rose 0.2%. The ISM index ...