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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Vice Chairman Brady Opening Statement at JEC Hearing on the Employment Situation

Joint Economic Committee hearing on the March employment report.

Rep. Mulvaney Questions Commissioner Hall at JEC Hearing on the Employment Situation

Congressman Mick Mulvaney (SC-5) questions Commissioner Hall on the relationship between the extension of unemployment benefits and the average length of time people stay unemployed

Vice Chairman Brady Questions Commissioner Hall about Labor Force Participation Rate at JEC Hearing

At a Joint Economic Committee Hearing on the Employment Situation, Representative Kevin Brady, Vice Chairman, questions Witness Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics about the Labor Force Participation Rate in the March Employment Report.

Rep. Duffy (WI), second round of questions at JEC Employment Hearing 4/1/11

During a Joint Economic Committee Employment Hearing Representative Duffy (R-WI) questions Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner of the BLS, on the implications of low labor force participation rates on the strength of the recovery. As well as issues surrounding the effects of long term unemployed and the ex...

Rep. Duffy (WI), first round of questions at JEC Employment Hearing 4/1/11

During a Joint Economic Committee Employment Hearing Representative Duffy (R-WI) questions Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner of the BLS, on the weakness of the recovery in the labor market. As well as the effects of uncertainty created by the government on preventing growth in small businesses.

Rep. Amash Questions Commissioner Hall at JEC Hearing on the Employment Situation

Representative Justin Amash (MI-03) questions Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistic at the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) hearing on the employment situation on April 1, 2011. Amash asks the Commissioner about the unemployment rate, unemployment benefits, long term unemployment and...

Rep. Mulvaney Continues Witness Questioning at JEC Employment Hearing

Congressman Mick Mulvaney (SC-5) questions Witness Dr. Keith Hall, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics on the recovery and small business job growth.

OP ED: Spend Less And Owe Less To Make Economy Grow

For the past two years, Americans have been told that the only way to economic recovery is more federal spending that drives up federal debt. The White House and Washington Democrats continue to cling to this failed economic model, refusing to listen to the voices of respected economists in America....

Rep Kevin Brady on Japan's impact on the US Economy

Rep. Brady’s American Action Forum interview on the impact of the situation in Japan on the U.S. economy

Rep. Brady holds Press Conference on New Joint Economic Study on Economic Growth

Washington, DC - Today, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam joined Kevin Brady, the top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee for the release of new economic data that proves government spending cuts help grow economies.