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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Vice Chairman Brady Presents Opening Statement at JEC Hearing on Debt Solutions

Vice Chairman Brady's opening statement on the debt limit and fiscal restraint.

Senator Lee Questions Witnesses on the Consequences of High Debt

Senator Lee questions witnesses on the consequences of both raising and not raising the debt limit.

Opening Statement of Vice Chairman Brady - JEC Hearing Maximizing America's Prosperity

The United States is on the precipice of a financial crisis because Washington spends too much relative to the size of our economy. Under President Obama, federal spending has grown far beyond the ability of our tax system to generate revenues from American families and businesses sufficient to pay...

Hearing: Maximizing America’s Prosperity

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Wednesday, July 27, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building. Hearing on “Maximizing America’s Prosperity: How Fiscal Rules can Restrain Federal Overspending.”

Vice Chairman Brady Questions Witnesses at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

JEC hearing, Manufacturing in the USA: Training America's Workforce

Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

Washington, DC – I am pleased that Chairman Casey convened this hearing on job training and manufacturing. Manufacturing in the United States has changed dramatically over the last 60 years. Low-tech, labor-intensive goods such as apparel, shoes, sporting goods, and toys that were once made in ...

Vice Chairman Brady's Second Round of Questioning at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

Joint Economic Committee hearing, Manufacturing in the USA: Training

Ranking Republican Sen, DeMint Testifies at JEC Manufacturing hearing

JEC hearing, Manufacturing in the USA: Training America's Workforce

Rep. Duffy's Second Round of Questions at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

Joint Economic Committee hearing, Manufacturing in the USA: Training

Vice Chairman Brady Presents His Opening Statement at JEC Manufacturing Hearing

JEC hearing, Manufacturing in the USA: Training America's Workforce