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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Rep. Campbell (R-CA) during JEC Hearing on September 20, 2011

Rep. Campbell questions witnesses during "What is the Real Debt Limit?" JEC hearing, on how to respond to those who believe that we are a long ways away from the real debt limit.

JEC Hearing "What is the Real Debt Limit?" Dr Burgess

Rep. Burgess (R-TX), questions witnesses about encouraging growth and what drives the deficit and possible changes that could be made, during the JEC hearing "What is the Real Debt Limit?" on 9.20.11.


Excessive debt threatens the economic future of the United States. Economists are increasingly sounding alarm bells that the escalating federal debt is reaching unsustainable levels. A recent paper by three economists at the Bank of International Settlements bluntly notes, “[A]t low levels, debt is...

Hearing: "What is the Real Debt Limit?"

When the Joint Economic Committee must hold a hearing on what the real debt limit is, the American people know instinctively that their federal government is borrowing too much. One does not really want to contemplate the grave consequences if creditors were to lose faith in the federal government t...

Statement of Vice Chairman Brady

Washington, DC – When the Joint Economic Committee must hold a hearing on what the real debt limit is, the American people know instinctively that their federal government is borrowing too much. One does not really want to contemplate the grave consequences if creditors were to lose faith in the fe...

Hearing Announcement - Manufacturing in the USA: How U.S. Trade Policy Offshores Jobs

Announcement of hearing, JEC

Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, and ranking Senate Republican Jim DeMint (R-SC) today announced that the JEC will hold a hearing to examine the effects the mounting federal debt may have on the U.S. economy. The hearing will convene on Tuesday, Septe...

Vice Chairman Brady's Response to the President's Job Speech

“The President’s message was powerful and clear: ‘Government made America great and government can make it great again.’ This misguided view explains why two years after the recession ended Americans are still left suffering with a second-rate economy that’s held up to ridicule by the world as our...

No Job Growth in August is More Proof President's Economic Policies Failing America

Washington, DC – Heading into the Labor Day weekend, America's economic outlook remains grim. In August the unemployment rate stayed unchanged at 9.1% with no job growth. August’s payroll job growth rate of zero is shocking. The American economy needs to create at least 130,000 jobs each month jus...

Hearing Announcement - What is the Real Debt Limit?

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., in room 210 of the Cannon House Office Building.