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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Vice Chairman Kevin Brady's Opening Statement at JEC Hearing Sept. 21, 2011

Mr. Brady's presents his opening statement to the JEC and witnesses during the JEC hearing " Manufacturing in the USA: How U.S. Trade Policy Offshores Jobs". He emphasizes the need for U.S. trade policy to allow U.S. to play on a level field to help promote growth and jobs.

Mr. Brady's First Round of Questioning during JEC hearing on Manufacturing Trade

JEC Vice Chairman Rep. Brady, questions witnesses during the JEC hearing, "Manufacturing in the USA: How U.S. Trade Policy Offshore Jobs". Mr. Brady, focuses on what disadvantages US regulations present to domestic businesses.

Rep. Brady's Second Round of Questioning during September 21, 2011 Hearing

Vice Chairman of the JEC questions witnesses about the broad range of barriers which stop U.S. companies from fully accessing the China market.

Vice Chairman Brady's Response to Fed Reserve Action September 9, 2011

“While Americans, including elected officials, may freely express their opinions about the Federal Reserve’s actions, political interference in the independent conduct of monetary policy is wrong”. “Instead, Congress should focus its attention on what it should control. In the context of monetar...

Vice Chairman Brady JEC hearing Sept. 20, 2011

Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Rep. Kevin Brady, questions witnesses at the JEC hearing on the real debt limit, about how the real debt of this Country is masked and that many in Washington deny the reality of the coming crisis.

Senator DeMint's Opening Statement at JEC Hearing: "What is the Real Debt Limit?"

Sen. DeMint, expresses his concern for the impending debt limit crisis when the U.S. can not borrow any more money, where no other country will lend the U.S. more money, or where the Fed can not print anymore.

Sen. DeMint Questions Witnesses duing JEC hearing 9.20.11

Leading Republican Senator of the JEC, Sen. DeMint (R-SC) asks witnesses how the current policies have contributed to the tipping point of where the US can no longer borrow money to fund the Country's debt.

Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

facts are just the opposite. It is the absence of an aggressive, pro-active trade agenda that leaves America falling behind its global competitors and places our manufacturers at a severe disadvantage when competing for the 95% of the world’s consumers that live outside our borders. For American ma...

JEC Debt Hearing 9.20.11 Sen. DeMint's Closing Remarks

Sen. DeMint's provides his closing remarks during the JEC "What is the Real Debt Limit?" hearing, expressing his concern for the future financial stability of the Country.

JEC Debt Hearing 9.20.11 Rep. Mulvaney

Rep. Mick Mulvaney(R-SC) asks the panel about the tipping point of the real debt limit, and expresses concern of forcusing on the short term ignoring medium and long term consequences during the JEC hearing "What is the Real Debt Limit?" on September 20, 2011.