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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Rep. Campbell (R-CA) questions experts at Joint Economic Committee hearing on November 17, 2011

Rep. Campbell of the JEC asks what additional actions need to be taken to close the deficit gap, reduce spending, increase taxes, tax reform and or creation of a fair tax, during the hearing "Could Tax Reform Boost Business Investment and Job Creation?"

Sen. Coats at JEC hearing "Could Tax Reform Boost Business Investment and Job Creation?"

Republican Sen. Coats talks at the JEC hearing on November 17. He focuses on addressing the corporate tax rate and how it hinders competitiveness of the US internationally. He asks the experts' opinion on dropping the corporate tax rate as he suggests in legislation he is co-sponsoring.

Opening Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

There is no question that President Obama inherited a poor economy, but after three years his policies have made it worse. The massive stimulus failed to jumpstart the economy and restore consumer confidence as he promised. In fact, today there are 1.3 million fewer payroll jobs in America than whe...

Mr. Brady's Opening Statement at JEC Hearing November 16, 2011

Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, presents his opening statement to the committee and witnesses at the JEC Hearing "Manufacturing in the USA: Paving the Road to Job Creation". He believes that congress should make it easier for the private sector to invest in transportation infrastructu...

Mr. Brady's First Round of Questions at JEC Hearing on Manufacturing November 16, 2011

Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Kevin Brady, questions witnesses at the JEC hearing on Manufacturing and Infrastructure, about the failed results of the government funded stimulus in construction and manufacturing. Is there really a need for Obama's proposed infrastructure bank to hel...

Vice Chairman's Brady's Second Round of Questions at JEC Manufacturing Infrastructure Hearing

Mr. Brady asks the panel if transportation authorities and officials would rather have Obama's proposed infrastructure bank or do they desire to fix their current trust funds. Other countries have moved toward private investment in infrastructure and the US should consider a similar change.

Rep. Mulvaney at JEC Hearing "Manufacturing in the USA: Paving the Road to Job Creation"

Rep. Mulvaney (R-SC) asks witnesses if we should see any different results from further government spending after major investments from the stimulus failed.

Rep. Mulvaney's Second Round of Questions at JEC hearing 11.16.11

Rep. Mulvaney dicussses the fact that states and federal government lack the funds to support infrastructure, and the issues surround the possible movement towards a more privatized infrastructure system.

Rep. Campbell questions witnesses at JEC hearing on Mfg. Infrastructure

Rep. Campbell (R-CA) talks to the witnesses about future infrastructure spending, and how to get private investment to fund public infrastructure projects.

Hearing: "Manufacturing in the USA: Paving the Road to Job Creation"

A good infrastructure is vitally important to the U.S. economy, providing Americans with millions of miles of roads; hundreds of thousands of bridges; tens of thousands of airports, dams, waterways and transit lines; and hundreds of train stations and ports. Pro-growth policies such as low taxes, b...