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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


President Obama says NO to Shovel Ready Jobs

Washington, DC -- U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee and a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued the following response to the Obama Administration's decision to reject Canada's Keystone XL pipeline permit. "From an economi...

A Bit of Good News Just isn't Enough for this Anemic Recovery

The Bureau of Labor Statistics today reported that in December 2011, 200,000 payroll jobs were created and that the unemployment rate edged down to 8.5 percent. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, said today “While the last month’s rise in the number of payroll...

Mr. President: Why the change?

“This Congress cannot and should not leave for vacation until they have made sure that tax increase doesn’t happen. Let me repeat that: Congress should not and cannot go on vacation before they have made sure that working families aren’t seeing their taxes go up by $1,000 … I expect all of us to d...

Sen. Levin Latest Repatriation Attack Misses Point

U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady, a leading advocate in the House for bringing profits home to America, and author of the Freedom to Invest Act which has 104 House sponsors, dismissed Senator Levin’s latest attempt today to attack American business as “missing the point”.

November Unemployment Rate to 8.6% as 315,000 Stop Looking for Work

Washington, DC -- While the top line number of 8.6% may sound good, today’s employment report holds very little good news for American workers with 315,000 leaving the workforce and only 120,000 new payroll jobs created nationwide. "Since President Obama has been in office, unemployment has average...

Balanced Budget? “No Way” Say Democrats

Congressman Kevin Brady, of Texas, today voted in support of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Following the Congressman’s vote in support of the bill, which he has sponsored and long supported, Brady made the below remarks: “Why do families and businesses hav...

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) questions witnesses at JEC hearing on Nov. 17

Vice chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Kevin Brady, questions experts during JEC hearing on the effects of the implementation of a fair tax and who would be impacted the most by that type of change to the tax system.

Mr. Duffy speaks at JEC hearing on November 17

Rep. Duffy talks about how capital goes to the best or most cost effective place. However raising taxes in America will make us less competitive on a global stage. There is a need to make the US more competitive internationally to encourage investment.

Congressman Mulvaney at JEC hearing "Could Tax Reform Boost Business Investment and Job Creation?"

Rep. Mulvaney (R-SC) talks during a JEC hearing on taxes about the fact that half of the people that make money in this country don't pay federal income taxes and if everyone needs to pay taxes.

Mr. Duffy's Second Round of Questions at JEC Hearing 11.17.11

Rep. Duffy questions witnesses about their opinion on increasing taxes and future tax refrom, at the JEC hearing "Could Tax Reform Boost Business Investment and Job Creation?"