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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Rep. Kevin Brady questions witnesses at JEC hearing on February 7, 2012

Rep. Keving Brady (R-TX),Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, expresses the need to extend payroll tax cuts and unemployment benefits for the rest of this year, but they have to be paid for. The payroll tax holiday of 2011 has already put a large hole in the Social Security trust fund. He ...

Rep. Mulvaney (R-SC) questions witnesses during JEC hearing on payroll tax and UI extension

Rep. Mulvaney, republican member of the Joint Economic Committee, asks what is wrong with drug testing as a requirement to receive unemployment insurance, during the JEC hearing: "Bolstering the Economy: Helping American Families by Reauthorizing the Payroll Tax Cut and UI Benefits".

Rep. Mulvaney's second round of quesitons during JEC hearing on February 7, 2012.

Rep. Mulvaney, talks about how unemployment rate is dropping because the work force is shrinking. In the recent employment report the unemployment rate dropped to 8.3% but there are some troubling underlying facts that are going unnoticed .

Representative Duffy (R-WI), during JEC hearing on February 7, 2012.

Rep. Duffy, agrees that there is a need to help people who have fallen on hard times, but there needs to be a way to weed out the "bad apples" those who are abusing the system and soaking up the benefits when they shouldn't be.

Opening Statement Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

There is a strong bipartisan consensus in Congress to extend both of these expiring provisions through the end of this year. However, serious differences remain over how we should pay for these expensive extensions and whether we should reform the Unemployment Insurance program. As popular as the p...

Rep. Brady provides his opening statement at the JEC hearing on the January Employment report

Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Kevin Brady, presents his opening statment to the Committee and witnesses on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' January Employment Situation Report. Although the new payroll jobs have increased this encouraging data only masks the fact that labor force par...

Dr. Burgess first round of questions during JEC employment hearing in February

Dr. Burgess (R-TX) questions why the recovery has been so painfully slow, and much more prolonged compared to other recessions. He also brings to attention the correlation between the increasing minimum wage and unemployment rate, and if the number of growth in the job market continued to increase h...

Rep. Campbell (R-CA) speaks during JEC Employment Hearing 2.3.12

Mr. Campbell, asks about how the unemployment rate dropped down but the unemployment rate by widest measure did not change in January. The broadest number of unemployed / underemployed is currently at 15.1% far above the normally viewed unemployment rate which dropped to 8.3% in January.

Rep. Kevin Brady during Joint Economic Committee February Employment Hearing

Vice Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), questions Mr. Galvin of the BLS on the employment situation report for January, about if it is good news that payroll jobs have increase even though the labor force is decreasing. He also points out that hiring across the employment sector is not strong enough to su...

Rep. Burgess' second round of questioning during JEC employment hearing

Rep. Burgess asks what happens when unemployment beneifts and insurance expire, what normally happens to the unemployment rate, during the Joint Economic Committee's Employment hearing for January's employment report.