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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


‘Facts Are Stubborn Things’: Obama Record Dismal

“There is an old adage in Washington,” said Kevin Brady, Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee. “When you want to hide something, release it late in the afternoon on the eve of a holiday weekend. Today, President Obama has lived up to that tradition.”

Reagan Recovery Much Stronger Than Obama’s

“President Obama has a serious jobs gap as a result of his poor economic policies, especially the stimulus,” said Brady. “Comparing recoveries, America would have 10.8 million more payroll jobs than we do today if payroll employment had grown at the same rate from the end of the recession during th...

Brady Likens Obama Savings Claims to ‘Cheating’

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew took to the airwaves this past weekend to tout the Obama 2013 budget, repeatedly claiming “that for every dollar of new revenue the budget includes $2.50 in spending cuts”. But the top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), its Vic...

Representative Brady's Statement on World Bank President Zoellick Retirement at end of June

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, has issued the following statement following the announcement that World Bank President Bob Zoellick will retire at the end of June. “Bob Zoellick’s tenure as President at the World Bank has ushered in greater economic freed...

Rep. Kevin Brady on CSPAN's Washington Journal February 14, 2012 (part 1 of 2)

Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, and Ways and Means Committee Member, talks about the extension of payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits through the remainder of this year. He argues that there is a need for permanent tax restructuring and temporary ...

Rep. Kevin Brady on CSPAN's Washington Journal Feb. 14 2012 (part 2 of 2)

Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) speaks on various issues including the President's new budget proposal, social security solvency, future tax code reform, the need for entitlement reform, the MAP act, and other changes that need to be made in order to strengthen economic growth, during CSPAN's Washing...

President's Unrealistic Political Budget Puts American Taxpayers Last

"This budget is simply not grounded in reality," said Brady. “Despite imposing job-killing tax hikes on Americans and even then still projecting a $6.6 trillion deficit over the next 10 years, the President apparently thinks money grows on trees because not once in this document is the word ‘austeri...

New unemployment numbers do not tell the whole story

Whether we care to admit it or not, 2.8 million more people were still out of work in January 2012 than the 12.8 million officially counted as unemployed. Our labor force should not be shrinking because people stop actively seeking jobs. It should be increasing because, like 243,000 other Americ...

Rep. Kevin Brady's Opening Statement during JEC hearing on February 7, 2012.

Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Kevin Brady, presents his opening statment at the JEC hearing: "Bolstering the Economy: Helping American Families by Reauthorizing the Payroll Tax Cut and UI Benefits". He agrees that these provisions need to be extended but they also need to be paid fo...

Senator Lee speaks during Joint Economic Committee Hearing on the Payroll Tax and UI extensions

Senator Lee, askes witnesses during the JEC hearing on February 7, 2012, about how the extension of unemployment insurance benefits effects the length of time people are unemployed.