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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Senator Lee speaks during JEC Economic Outlook Hearing

Kevin Brady's Opening Statement at JEC Economic Outlook Hearing

Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

While we’re all anxious for signs of a strong, sustainable recovery, the recent jobs report for May was grim – with U.S. employers creating a mere 69,000 non-farm payroll jobs, the fewest in a year. Job growth over the past two months has dropped by two-thirds over the first quarter of the year. Bus...

Brady Terms CBO Forecast “Disastrous”

Rep. Kevin Brady, Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, today issued the following statement: “Today, the Congressional Budget Office released the latest update of The 2012 Long-Term Budget Outlook. On its present course, federal debt...

Brady Calls Jobs Numbers for May, “Grim.”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, today called the meager increase of 82,000 in the number of private sector jobs and the accompanying rise in the unemployment rate to 8.2% “grim.” Brady called it “inexcu...

Second Reading on Real GDP Growth Rate Reflects “Obama’s Misunderstanding of the Way the World Really Works.”

U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, said today that the second reading from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which reported an annualized real GDP rate of growth at 1.9 % during the 1st-quarter 2012, ref...

Hearing Announcement: The Economic Outlook

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. in room G-50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Rep. Kevin Brady's (R-TX) second round of questions at JEC hearing May 16, 2012.

Rep. Duffy (R-WI) during JEC hearing on taxing labor and transfer payments

Dr. Burgess (R-TX) speaks during JEC hearing on May 16, 2012