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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Mr. Brady's closing remarks at JEC Fiscal Cliff hearing

Senator Toomey speaks at the JEC Hearing on the Fiscal Cliff

Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

Going over the fiscal cliff is economically irresponsible, financially reckless, and entirely unnecessary. Yet as Kimberley Strassel observed in The Wall Street Journal, “The president is boxing in the Republicans—offering them a deal they cannot accept, a deal they can't even be seen to be treating...

Congressman Brady speaks on CNBC about the upcoming Fiscal Cliff

Hearing Announcement: Fiscal Cliff: How to Protect the Middle Class, Sustain Long-Term Economic Growth, and Reduce the Federal Deficit

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building.

Congressman Kevin Brady on Fox Business 11_20_12

Cut the Deficit by Growing the Economy

The President could have honored his pledge to cut the deficit in half if he had focused on growing incomes and wealth instead of focusing on how to re-divide the pie. Prior to the start of the recession, fiscal year 2007 revenues rose to 18.2% of 3rd-quarter GDP. Federal government receipts sto...

NEW ANALYSIS: CRS Report on Tax Rates Flawed

Time to Put America Back to Work

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today made the following comments regarding the President’s statement on the fiscal cliff. “Stronger economic growth will do more to create jobs, increase family incomes, and slash the federal budget deficit than any tax incre...

UPDATED: Two Charts Depict Failure of Obama Recovery

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today released the following charts capturing the weakness of the current economic recovery under President Barack Obama. The first compares the promises of the Obama stimulus - 5.4% - versus today's unemployment rate of 7.9%....