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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


JEC Hearing Announcement: "Unwinding Quantitative Easing"

A hearing:"Unwinding Quantitative Easing: How the Fed Should Promote Stable Prices, Economic Growth, and Job Creation" before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, at 2:00 p.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building.

JEC Chair Brady discusses the importance of declining labor force participation rate

Chairman Brady's Opening Statement during JEC hearing on ERP 2014

Rep. Paulsen questions CEA Chair Furman at JEC hearing on Economic Report 2014

JEC Hearing The Economic Report of the President 2014

Joint Economic Committee hearing on "The Economic Report of the President 2014" held on March 13, 2014 at 2:30 P.M. in room 1100 of Longworth House Office Building

Economic Report of the President 2014

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, commented on today’s release of the Economic Report of the President together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers 2014:

JEC Hearing Announcement: "The Economic Report of the President 2014"

A hearing on "The Economic Report of the President 2014" before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2013, at 2:30 p.m. in room 1100 Longworth HOB

February Jobs Report: 175,000 Jobs Added But Workers Still Underwater

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, commented on today’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report showing that 175,000 nonfarm payroll jobs and 162,000 private payroll jobs were added in February, while the unemployment rate rose to 6.7%:

“The President’s budget is a big government wish list,” Brady says.

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, responded to today’s release of the President’s Fiscal Year 2015 Budget: “Once again President Obama has failed to submit his budget on time and once again he has failed to submit a serious proposal to put our nat...

Addressing the Opportunity Gap

This commentary recaps and updates the previous series and highlights some facts about economic mobility for future and recommends the pursuit of policies that broaden opportunity for more Americans, encourage job growth to foster economic growth, and remove obstacles that many Americans face in equ...