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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Joint Economic Committee to Hold Hearing on the Burden of Health Services Regulation

Joint Economic Committee to Hold Hearing on the Burden of Health Services Regulation

Washington, D.C. – Joint Economic Committee Chairman, Robert F. Bennett, announced today that in conjunction with National Cover the Uninsured Week the committee will hold a hearing on “The Burden of Health Services Regulation.”

Regulation of health services now costs consumers about $130 billion a year and has helped add to a climate of skyrocketing health care costs, making it more difficult for the uninsured to gain access to health care. At the hearing, Senator Bennett and panelists will discuss ways to improve the affordability and availability of health care for the uninsured, as well as all other health care consumers. By reducing burdensome regulations and the costs of providing health care, Americans will have more options for receiving the health care services they need.

WHAT: JEC hearing on “The Burden of Health Services Regulation”

WHEN: Thursday, May 13, 2004, 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Room 628, Dirksen Senate Office Building

WITNESSES: Christopher Conover
Center for Health Policy, Law and Management
Duke University
Durham, NC

David Hyman
University of Maryland School of Law
Baltimore, MD

Daniel Mulholland
Horty, Springer & Mattern
Pittsburgh, PA

Additional witness TBA

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