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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Coats Statement on Indiana’s April Employment Numbers

Coats Statement on Indiana’s April Employment Numbers

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WASHINGTON, DC – Joint Economic Committee Chairman Dan Coats (R-Ind.) issued the following statement regarding Indiana’s April employment numbers, which were reported today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:


“Our talented Hoosier workforce and our state’s pro-growth policies continue to help Indiana lead the nation in growth. Today’s report shows that private sector employment has increased to its highest level ever and labor force participation continues to outpace the national rate. Indiana offers a pro-growth environment where employers are not weighed down by state-created red tape, attracting employers looking to expand and making it a great place to work and do business.”

Details about Indiana’s April Employment Numbers

  • Indiana’s unemployment rate ticked up from 5.0% to 5.2% in the month of April. Combined with job gains and workforce growth, this signifies that Indiana’s labor market is robust.
  • Indiana was among the top states for employment growth over the month, adding 12,000 private sector payroll jobs.
  • Since the start of 2016, Indiana has seen exceptional labor force growth, adding an average 20,500 Hoosiers to the labor force for the first four months of the year and totaling more than 82,000 thus far.
  • Indiana’s labor force participation rate continue to improve (+0.4 percentage point) over the national average (-0.2 percentage point), reaching a 7-year high of 65.3 percent. The national labor force participation rate is 62.8 percent.
  • Manufacturing sector employment rose by 3,300 in April, as did employment in the trade, transportation and utilities sector.

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