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Video: Tiberi: Exchanges Are Collapsing, the Individual Market is Being Destroyed

Video: Tiberi: Exchanges Are Collapsing, the Individual Market is Being Destroyed

U. S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today spoke during a press conference with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, M.D. and other House Republicans marking the advancement of their effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. Click here to watch his remarks or on the image below.


Key Quote:

“I talked to one constituent recently, a self-employed individual in Lexington, Ohio. Family of eight, and he has seen over the last several years, his premiums quadruple, his networks have narrowed. So shrinking coverage, more costs.


“But his story isn't unique to Americans across this country who are on the exchanges or the individual markets. Or worse, were left without insurance when their co-op failed. So the exchanges are collapsing, the individual market is being destroyed, our constituents deserve better.”



Full Transcript:

“Good to be with you, Dr. Price. As former colleague on Ways and Means we miss you, but we are glad you are where you are.


“When I was in high school, my dad lost his job and his employer provided health care. So I lost my health care. I understand how traumatic that can be.


“But what Dr. Price just said has not been quite frankly, understood quite well. And that is less than 10 percent of Americans are on co-ops in individual market on the exchanges. And that system is failing.


“It is failing Americans in my state and it is failing Americans all over the country. In my state the co-op failed last summer. The exchanges have experienced double-digit premium increases, narrower networks. We have 20 counties that have one participant left in the marketplace. One insurer in market – pretty grim.


“I talked to one constituent recently, a self-employed individual in Lexington, Ohio. Family of eight, and he has seen over the last several years, his premiums quadruple, his networks have narrowed. So shrinking coverage, more costs.


“But his story isn't unique to Americans across this country who are on the exchanges or the individual markets. Or worse, were left without insurance when their co-op failed. So the exchanges are collapsing, the individual market is being destroyed, our constituents deserve better.


“This is the first phase, as Dr. Price said, of several phases that will lower costs, increase access to care, and give people the freedom and flexibility that they deserve, that quite frankly they don't have today.”


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