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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

IT'S OFFICIAL: Obama Recovery Now Ranks Dead Last in Modern Times

Obama now ranks 10th of 10 recoveries in both jobs & economic growth

IT'S OFFICIAL: Obama Recovery Now Ranks Dead Last in Modern Times

Obama now ranks 10th of 10 recoveries in both jobs & economic growth

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With the new June jobs report in hand, President Barack Obama's economic recovery now ranks as the worst in modern times in terms of both job creation and economic
growth, says the GOP leader of Congress's Joint Economic Committee.

Texas Congressman Kevin Brady, the top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, observed that the June Employment Report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics along with the gross domestic product report released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on June 28th has marked a milestone: President Obama’s economic recovery ranks as dead last in the post-World War II era. 

“Since 1945, the United States has had ten economic recoveries that lasted more than one year. In terms of both how fast the U.S. economy has recovered and how many private sector jobs have been created since the recession's low point, President Obama now ranks tenth of ten - that's dead last," said Brady. 

“Three years after the recession officially ended in June 2009, we still have more than four million fewer private sector jobs than we did when the recession started,” he  continued. “And for the 41st consecutive month, the unemployment rate has  soared above a discouraging 8%.”

Brady says that while President Obama boasts about the 4.4 million private sector jobs he claims have been created during the latest 28 months, put in perspective "President Obama's recovery has been weaker than every one of his predecessors in the past  even decades. He can try to spin it any way he wants but when measured by jobs or by
economic growth he's at the bottom of the list."

Last week, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that real GDP grew expanded by
6.7% over eleven quarters since the recession ended. Today, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported the number of private sector jobs had grown by a mere 4.1% since the cyclical low point.

In contrast, real GDP expanded by 17.6%, and private sector jobs ballooned by 10.7% during comparable periods of the Reagan recovery. “Obama’s economic record, frankly, is embarrassing,” Brady said.

“Think about it - despite President Obama's stimulus, financial bailout, housing bailout, auto bailout, cash-for-clunkers, cash-for-caulkers and an unprecedented five trillion dollars in deficit spending, the Obama recovery is officially dead last in results. Can unemployed Americans really afford four more years of this failed economic  leadership?"

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