
Panel I

The Honorable Ben Bernanke, Chairman
Council of Economic Advisers
Washington, DC

Panel II

Dr. David F. Seiders
Chief Economist, National Association of Home Builders
Washington, DC

Dr. Mickey D. Levy
Chief Economist, Bank of America
New York, NY

Dr. Brad Setser
Senior Economist and Director of Global Research,
Roubini Global Economics, LLC
New York, NY"> Skip to main content

Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Hearing Announcement

The Economic Outlook

Hearing Announcement

The Economic Outlook

A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee entitled "The Economic Outlook" will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2005, at 10:00 a.m., in room 311 of the Cannon House Office Building. Chairman Jim Saxton will preside.


Panel I

The Honorable Ben Bernanke, Chairman
Council of Economic Advisers
Washington, DC

Panel II

Dr. David F. Seiders
Chief Economist, National Association of Home Builders
Washington, DC

Dr. Mickey D. Levy
Chief Economist, Bank of America
New York, NY

Dr. Brad Setser
Senior Economist and Director of Global Research,
Roubini Global Economics, LLC
New York, NY

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