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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Tiberi Statement on February Jobs Report

Tiberi Statement on February Jobs Report

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U. S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today issued the following statement regarding the employment report for February 2017 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:


“With a job gain of 235,000, today’s report is an encouraging start to the next chapter of our economic recovery. Americans are optimistic as we are taking the promised steps to expand opportunity and put American employers and American families first by reducing burdensome regulations, overhauling our outdated tax code, and focusing health care on the patient. This is an exciting time – Americans left on the sidelines are reentering the job market and are seeing the possibilities for growth and a brighter future.”


Note: Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the U.S. economy added 235,000 nonfarm payroll jobs in February and the unemployment rate has dropped slightly to 4.7 percent. The labor force participation rate ticked up to 63.0 percent. The employment-to-population ratio reached 60 percent in February for the first time since 2009.

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