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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

House Economic Leader says No Tax Hikes. Period.

House Economic Leader says No Tax Hikes. Period.

Washington, DC -- U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, says he will not support any tax hikes on American families, professionals and small businesses:

"I won't support any measure that does not keep the 2001 and 2003 tax relief fully in place, period. 

How can Democrats in Congress seriously believe the way to jumpstart our stalled economy is to heap new taxes on the very professionals and small businesses most critical to a recovery? It doesn't make economic sense. 

And given their track record, who in their right mind believes President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi will use any tax hikes to reduce the debt? After wrecking the economy further, everyone understands all new taxes will end up financing more wasteful spending and further expansion of our bloated government." 

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