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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Brady Sees Court-Sanctioned Taxes As a Means of Limiting Freedom

Brady Sees Court-Sanctioned Taxes As a Means of Limiting Freedom

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, said
today that the Supreme Court, in essence, approved the use of tax to restrict
the freedom of Americans.

“I am reminded that an earlier Chief Justice, John Marshall, warned us in the
early days of the republic that the ‘power to tax was the power to destroy.’
Today, in finding most of the provisions of ObamaCare constitutional, the
Supreme Court confirmed that view,” Brady said.

“Just because the Court finds something constitutional does not make it
either right or good public policy, Brady continued. “It was not all that long
ago that the Supreme Court found segregation and poll taxes constitutional, to
other clear violations of individual liberty, constitutional. Those decisions were
reversed, either by the Court itself, or by a constitutional amendment,” Brady
noted. “The American people can reverse this judgment by electing a Congress
and a President, who will protect the liberty of the American people to decide
best for them and their families.”

Brady noted the irony that the Court brought an end to the legal fiction the
Obama administration constructed to conceal the true intentions of the law.
“All along President Obama insisted that the individual healthcare mandate was
not a tax. Today, the Supreme Court found not only that this mandate was indeed
a tax, but that this mandate passed constitutional muster solely because it was
a tax.”

“The truth remains that ObamaCare is bad policy and it has to go,” Brady

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