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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Tiberi: To Maintain Momentum, We Need to Continue Pulling Away from Obama-Era Policies

Tiberi: To Maintain Momentum, We Need to Continue Pulling Away from Obama-Era Policies

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U. S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, released the following statement about the report by the Bureau of Economic Analysis that the U.S. economy grew 2.6 percent at an annualized rate during the second quarter of 2017:


“This report is in line with expectations for second quarter economic growth and is an improvement over the first quarter. To maintain this momentum, we need to continue pulling away from Obama-era policies that restrict growth. We are seeing positive results from repealing overly burdensome regulations, but to unleash the full power of the American economy, we must continue to reduce unnecessary regulations and reform our outdated tax code, which will enhance American employers’ ability to grow, expand, and hire.”


The pre-Obama 50-year average annual rate was 3.4 percent compared with the Obama administration’s average of 1.5 percent.




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