Chairman Schweikert on February Jobs Report
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Chairman David Schweikert, released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 151 thousand nonfarm jobs in February.
“This February jobs report begins to reveal the gratifying economic policies of the Trump administration, aimed to address the challenges facing hardworking Americans,” said Congressman Schweikert. “As the February data demonstrates moderate employment and nominal wage growth, let’s be clear about the numbers…”
“In February, federal government employment [excluding postal and census] decreased by 6,700. To put this into perspective, the previous administration increased hiring within these same sectors by over 140,000, with 45,000 added in the last year alone. Of course, this doesn’t reflect all the federal workforce separations under this administration, as those on paid leave/previously on payroll in February are counted as employed in today’s release. Behind the headline numbers there is a concerningly low rate of private goods-producing employment growth, especially in manufacturing.”
“In fact, over the past year, only 3 percent of employment gains have come from private goods-producing industries. Private service-providing industries comprised 75 percent of the total employment gains and government accounted for the remaining 22 percent. Employment in manufacturing is down 89,000 (-0.7 percent)– especially semiconductor manufacturing, with the industry displaying a decrease of 18,000 (-4.5 percent). The data proves the previous administration’s deficit-financed subsidies were inefficient.
“It’s imperative that Congress prioritizes policies which foster economic growth, encourage gains in productivity, bring prime-age employees back into the workforce, empower domestic businesses, and restore confidence in our markets,” Chairman Schweikert said. “Part of increasing productivity is a tax system that maximizes economic vitality.”
“I remain committed to working with my colleagues in enacting solutions that address these economic challenges and hope to create a runway for individuals to experience prosperity in this country. Together, we will ensure 2025 is the catalyst of a stronger, more resilient future for all Americans.”