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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

News Releases

Opening Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

The labor market is not recovering fast enough considering how depressed it has been. Thirty-one months into the Reagan recovery, we had added 8.7 million new payroll jobs. Today, however, the economy, at best, is at a crawl. We still are 6 million jobs short of the prerecession employment level;...

CBO Report Confirms that Obama Policies have Failed, Brady Says.

Rep. Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, cited today’s report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as fresh proof that President Obama’s economic policies are failing. “According to the CBO, slowing economic growth will cause the unemployment rate to rise during this...

A Strong Recovery Needs More than One Good Quarter

U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the vice chairman and top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee released the following statement on today’s initial 4th-quarter GDP numbers. “Today’s report from Bureau of Economic Analysis has some welcome news as the U.S. economy grew at its fastest...

President Obama says NO to Shovel Ready Jobs

Washington, DC -- U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee and a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued the following response to the Obama Administration's decision to reject Canada's Keystone XL pipeline permit. "From an economi...

A Bit of Good News Just isn't Enough for this Anemic Recovery

The Bureau of Labor Statistics today reported that in December 2011, 200,000 payroll jobs were created and that the unemployment rate edged down to 8.5 percent. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, said today “While the last month’s rise in the number of payroll...

Sen. Levin Latest Repatriation Attack Misses Point

U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady, a leading advocate in the House for bringing profits home to America, and author of the Freedom to Invest Act which has 104 House sponsors, dismissed Senator Levin’s latest attempt today to attack American business as “missing the point”.

November Unemployment Rate to 8.6% as 315,000 Stop Looking for Work

Washington, DC -- While the top line number of 8.6% may sound good, today’s employment report holds very little good news for American workers with 315,000 leaving the workforce and only 120,000 new payroll jobs created nationwide. "Since President Obama has been in office, unemployment has average...

Balanced Budget? “No Way” Say Democrats

Congressman Kevin Brady, of Texas, today voted in support of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Following the Congressman’s vote in support of the bill, which he has sponsored and long supported, Brady made the below remarks: “Why do families and businesses hav...

Opening Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

There is no question that President Obama inherited a poor economy, but after three years his policies have made it worse. The massive stimulus failed to jumpstart the economy and restore consumer confidence as he promised. In fact, today there are 1.3 million fewer payroll jobs in America than whe...

Statement of Vice Chairman Kevin Brady

A good infrastructure is vitally important to the U.S. economy, providing Americans with millions of miles of roads; hundreds of thousands of bridges; tens of thousands of airports, dams, waterways and transit lines; and hundreds of train stations and ports. Pro-growth policies such as low taxes, b...