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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

News Releases

Report Confirms Economy’s Lack of Growth

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) today revised downwards its estimate of 2nd Quarter gross domestic product (GDP). BEA estimates that real GDP increased at an annual rate of 1.3% during the 2nd quarter, down 0.4 percentage points from its previous estimate. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chair...

Congressman Kevin Brady Grades The Obama Economy at House GOP Leadership Press Conference

At today’s House Republican Leadership News Conference, Congressman Kevin Brady laid out the raw facts about President Obama’s Economic record. If the Obama recovery had been just an average recovery, 4.3 million more Americans would be working today instead of looking for work and America would...

More Fed Stimulus Is An Admission of Obama’s Failure to Boost Economy, says Brady

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman and top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, strongly disagreed with the Federal Open Market Committee’s decision today to embark upon a new round of quantitative easing by committing to an open ended program to purchase $40 billion of agency mortgage-ba...

Still Stuck in Dead Last

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today called the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ report that the economy added only 103,000 new private sector jobs in August and left the unemployment rate mired at 8.1% “more dismal news for America’s job seekers.” “Today’s re...


On Friday, August 31st the national debt passed the $16 trillion mark,” Brady noted. “During less than four years under President Obama’s leadership, the national debt has increased an astonishing $5.4 trillion. And yet the President persists in pushing his agenda of more spending and higher taxe...

Employment Report: Obama Recovery Still in Last Place

“Today’s employment report, despite a better than expected gain of 172,000 private payroll jobs, yet again, confirms the failure of President Obama’s economic policies.” Brady added, “Using the White House’s own metrics of talking about private payroll job gains from the cycle low, President Obama’...

Brady: FOMC Got It Right For Now

In response to today’s announcement by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, released the following statement:

Brady Declares Looming Tax Cliff and Red Tape Explosion Stall Growth

Brady Declares Looming Tax Cliff and Red Tape Explosion Stall Growth; Obama Recovery Weaker than Previously Reported

Estate Tax Fails on All Fronts, Says New Joint Economic Committee Republican Study

Blue Chip Forecast Downgrades the Obama Economy

The Blue Chip consensus downgraded its forecast for real GDP growth by 0.1% for the last three quarters of 2012 and the entirety of 2013. However, this forecast assumes that the expiring Bush tax cuts will be renewed, the Eurozone situation will not worsen, and China’s economy will have a soft land...