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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

News Releases

Utah as a Case Study in Social Capital

WASHINGTON - Today, the Joint Economic Committee’s Social Capital Project released a brief highlighting the health of social capital in Utah.

JEC Chair-designate Lauds 100th Straight Month of Job Growth

Today, Joint Economic Committee Chairman-designate Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement celebrating the January jobs numbers while looking toward the future.

Chairman-designate Lee asks CBO and CMS to account for social capital in healthcare cost projections

WASHINGTON – Today, Joint Economic Committee Chairman-designate Mike Lee (R-UT) sent letters to the Congressional Budget Office and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services asking for clarification on whether the agencies take the growing lack of social support among senior citizens into accou...

Chairman Paulsen Cheers Job Creation, Wage Growth

Joint Economic Committee Chairman Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., welcomed the positive November jobs report released on Friday

Chairman Paulsen: Fed Recognizes Economy is on the Right Track

With the economy growing robustly for the first time in a decade, wage growth picking up, and inflation near the Fed’s 2 percent target, the Fed’s decision to hold rates steady seems prudent. I believe that Chairman Powell is on the right track to normalize monetary policy and to enable the full lon...

Chairman Paulsen: A Strong Economy Makes for a More Confident Fed

"The Federal Reserve’s decision today shows its confidence in the continued strengthening of the U.S. economy. After years of subpar performance, the economy finally grew at a 4.2 percent annualized rate last quarter; wages are rising, the unemployment rate is its lowest since 2000; consumer confide...

Chairman Paulsen: 1.7 Million New Jobs, Wages Rising at Fastest Rate Since Mid-2009

Chairman Paulsen Statement on July 2018 Jobs Report

WASHINGTON--Chairman Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., of the Joint Economic Committee issued the following statement in response to the positive jobs report from July 2018.

Paulsen Statement on June Jobs Report

“Another positive jobs report shows that the U.S. economy clearly had room to grow and that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was essential to sparking that growth. I am hopeful this momentum will be sustained despite the Administration’s new tariffs and the retaliation incurred, which make purchases more e...

Chairman Paulsen: Tariffs Against China Will Harm American Jobs and Consumers

“While China must address its failure to protect U.S. intellectual property, these tariffs are not an effective response because it will harm American jobs and consumers. Our economy is seeing measurable gains thanks to pro-growth policies like the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. GDP has grown an average of 2....