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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

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State-By-State Obamacare Reports

Specific state-by-state snapshots of the state of Obamacare. You’ll find information about premium increases declining choices.

It Doesn’t Have to be This Way: Obamacare’s Troubling Reality

Every day Americans are confronted with more bad news about Obamacare. Insurers are leaving the ACA marketplaces, premiums continue to increase, and fewer people are enrolling, which will likely lead to more premium increases. Lawmakers must act because the American people deserve better.

Obamacare’s Unstable Because of… Obamacare!

Health insurance companies fleeing the Obamacare marketplaces are nothing new, but, the most recent exits are attributed to “uncertainty” in the marketplace and some are placing the blame for this on the wrong source.

Four Takeaways on Obamacare’s Collapsing Enrollment

The Department of Health and Humans Services (HHS) released two reports on the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual marketplace exchanges addressing the number of people who actually activated[ii] their enrollment by paying their premium after initially signing up for insurance coverage.

Opioids and Obamacare: What’s the Real Story?

Has Obamacare stemmed the rising overdose death rate from opioids? No, according to the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, the largest single-year increases in the death rate since 1999 occurred after the Obamacare exchanges and Medicaid expansio...

Reminder: Obamacare Still Needs to Be Repealed and Replaced

Leading up to CBO’s score of the American Health Care Act, troubling reports about what has occurred in the health insurance landscape continued. There are reports that may not have received the same share of the spotlight as the CBO report.

The Good News and Faulty Assumptions in CBO’s New Analysis of the American Health Care Act (AHCA)

AHCA provides relief from skyrocketing premiums. This year average premiums in the individual insurance market spiked 25% and Obamacare premiums have more than doubled since the exchanges were implemented.

Health Care Q & A: I Have a Pre-Existing Medical Condition. What Will Happen?

The House plan maintains “guaranteed issue” that requires insurers to cover individuals regardless of health status.

The Water’s Fine: High Risk Pools After Obamacare

Debate regarding health insurance reform has reignited interest in high-risk pools (HRPs). One form of an HRP is the “invisible risk pool,” which the Joint Economic Committee Republicans have covered previously.

The Myth of the ‘Senior Tax’

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established a nationwide standard for age-based variations in health insurance premiums. This restriction limited the cost difference between the oldest age categories (64+ years old) and the youngest (21 years old) to a 3:1 ratio.

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How Obamacare Was Envisioned to Work

Obamacare organization chart 2010

Obamacare Premium Increases

2017 Obamacare Premium Increases By State

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