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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: July 6-10, 2015

Weekly Economic Update: July 6-10, 2015

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News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

Employment Situation (June 2015)

Household Survey

  • Unemployment rate: 5.3%
  • Long-term unemployed (% of unemployed): 25.8%
  • Labor force participation rate: 62.6%
  • Employment-to-population ratio: 59.3%

Establishment Survey

  • Nonfarm payroll jobs: 223,000
  • Private payrolls: 223,000
  • Average workweek: 34.5 hours
  • Largest industry sector decrease (by level): Mining and logging, including support activities, and oil and gas extraction (-0.35%, -3,000)
  • Largest industry sector increase (by level): Professional and business services (+0.33%, +64,000)
  • Noteworthy: In the household survey, full-time employment fell over the month in June, down 349,000; in contrast, part-time jobs advanced 161,000. The labor force shrank by 432,000. The establishment survey’s nonfarm payroll gains for May and April were revised down. May nonfarm payrolls were revised to 254,000 jobs added from 280,000; April nonfarm payrolls were revised down to 187,000 from 223,000.



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Chart of the Week: 

Nonfarm Payroll Job Numbers Revised Lower 2015

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