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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: May 22 – May 26, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: May 22 – May 26, 2017

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 By Common Measure, Real Wages Have Risen


real average hourly earnings



The two main indices for making inflation adjustments are the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index. The Federal Reserve prefers the PCE. Using the PCE, real average hourly earnings have risen substantially over the past 40 years.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights

Journal Star: The truth about the AHCA (by JEC Member, Rep. Darin LaHood)

Wall Street Journal: U.S. Jobless Claims Fell for Third Straight Week

E21: Forging a Consensus on Medicaid Reform

Bloomberg: Brazil Markets Sink, Triggering Circuit Breaker on Fresh Crisis


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (April)

The Fed’s industrial production index covers nearly everything tangible that is produced in the United States. Capacity utilization measures how much firms are actually producing relative to what they could potentially produce if operating at their maximum capability.


Industrial production (year-over-year percentage change)   

April: 2.2%                 March: 1.5%               February: 0.2%


Capacity utilization (percent of capacity in active use)         

April: 76.7%               March: 76.1%             February: 75.8%


Noteworthy: From April 2015 to November 2016 the year-over-year growth rate of the industrial production index was negative. Since December 2016, it has avoided negative territory, and has continued to accelerate. The 1.5% increase is the largest since February 2015. Capacity utilization remains below its 1967-2007 average of 81.4%. The last time it was above 80% was March 2008.


JEC Releases

Lee Delivers Opening Statement During Hearing on Social Capital

State Employment Reports



Upcoming Releases

State Employment Reports


Upcoming Economic Data and Events


Chicago Fed National Activity Index (8:30am)



Philly Fed Non-Manufacturing Survey (8:30am)

New Residential Sales (10:00am)

Richmond Fed Survey (10:00am)



Revised Building Permits (8:00am)

Existing Home Sales (10:00am)



Advance Economic Indicators (8:30am)



Advance Durable Goods (8:30am)

Gross Domestic Product (Second Estimate) (8:30am)

Michigan Consumer Sentiment (Final) (10:00am)



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