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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: December 5 – December 9, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: December 5 – December 9, 2016




Contrary to what Dodd-Frank proponents claim, a Brookings study looks at several market estimates of financial institutions’ safety and finds that by all metrics, banks are riskier, or at least as risky, as they were before the financial crisis of 2008, due in part to overly burdensome regulations.


A higher equity-to-asset ratio indicates a firm is in a better position to absorb losses, i.e., it is less risky. Conversely, a lower ratio indicates a firm is more risky.


The chart above shows the pre-crisis (2002-2007) and post-crisis (2010-2015) equity-to-asset ratios for what are now the six largest financial institutions. Post-crisis, the data indicate that banks have an even smaller margin for error than before the financial crisis.


The study attributes the banks’ increased riskiness to declining “franchise values,” as a possible result of low interest rates, a relatively flat yield curve, regulatory restrictions, financial penalties for past practices, and the likelihood of future regulatory actions.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

  • Employment Situation (November)
    • Unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted):
      • November: 4.6%; October: 4.9%; September: 5.0%
  • Nonfarm jobs (seasonally adjusted):
    • November: 178,000; October: 142,000; September: 208,000
  • Noteworthy: While headline unemployment fell 0.3 percentage point, the workforce shrank by 226,000 individuals even though the civilian noninstitutional population grew by 219,000. Even more troubling is that 231,000 prime-age workers (ages 25 to 54) exited the workforce in November.


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