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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: May 2-6, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: May 2-6, 2016


News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

Personal Income and Outlays (March)

  • Personal Income (change M/M): $57.4 billion, % Change: 0.4%
  • Consumer Spending (change M/M): $12.8 billion, % Change: 0.1%
  • PCE Price Index: <0.1%, Year-on-year: 0.8%
  • Core PCE Price Index: 0.1%, Year-on-year: 1.6%
  • Noteworthy: Wages and salaries increased $29.2 billion in March, compared to a decrease of $4.6 billion in February. Supplements to wages and salaries increased $5.4 billion.


JEC Releases:



Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

Major Indicators


Chart of the Week:


The chart above shows the breakdown of average annual expenditures in the July 2014-June 2015 12-month period, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ mid-year update for any group that shares expenses, whether they are families, single persons living alone, or two or more people living together. Average expenditures are up 5.9 percent in the July 2014-June 2015 period compared to the July 2013-June 2014 period, with education spending, apparel and services spending, and healthcare spending among the top three major spending increases.

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