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    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Existing Home Sales (September)



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    Chart of the Week: 

    WEU 10.26.15

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    Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

    Weekly Economic Update: October 26-30, 2015

    Weekly Economic Update: October 26-30, 2015


    News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Existing Home Sales (September)

    • Seasonally adjusted annual pace: 5.55 million units
    • Change from previous month: 4.7%
    • Change from last year: 8.8%
    • Noteworthy: The median sales price of existing homes is down 2.9% from last month to $221,900 in September but is up 6.1% from a year ago.
    • Addendum: In other housing market news, the Commerce Department reported a home building rebound earlier this week. Housing starts rose 6.5% in September, led by an 18.3% jump in multifamily units, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.21 million units.



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    Chart of the Week: 

    WEU 10.26.15

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