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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: July 31 – August 4, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: July 31 – August 4, 2017

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Fed to Reduce Bond Holdings “Relatively Soon”


Projected Fed Balance Sheet Runoff


Last week the Fed announced that the balance sheet runoff program would begin “relatively soon.” JEC’s July FOMC Review provides a brief summary of how the Fed’s balance sheet normalization will work, assuming it starts in October after the next FOMC meeting in September.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights

Wall Street Journal: Fed Ready to Shrink Bond holdings as Soon as September

Economics21: Six Persistent Myths About Taxes

AEIdeas: Why US innovation can be seen everywhere but in the GDP statistics

Wall Street Journal: Mortgage Interest Tax Break Has ‘No Effect’ on Homeownership, Study Finds


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

Gross Domestic Product (Second Quarter 2017—Advance Estimate)


Real GDP, change from previous quarter at seasonally adjusted annualized rate


Q2-2017: 2.6%           Q1-2017: 1.2%            Q4-2016: 1.8%            Q3-2016: 2.8%            Q2-2016: 2.2%


Noteworthy: Faster growth in consumer spending and federal government spending, along with a smaller decline in business inventories led real GDP growth to accelerate from the previous quarter. This acceleration was partially offset by reduced growth in residential investment, exports, and business fixed investment.


JEC Releases

July FOMC Review

June State Employment Data

Statement on Second Quarter GDP



Upcoming Economic Data and Events


Chicago Purchasing Managers Index (9:45am)

Pending Home Sales (10:00am)

Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey (10:30am)



Personal Income/PCE Deflator (8:30am)

Construction (10:00am)

ISM Manufacturing (10:00am)

Dallas Fed Texas Retail Outlook Survey (10:30am)

Motor Vehicle Sales (4:00pm)



ADP National Employment Report (8:15am)



ISM Non-Manufacturing (10:00am)

Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, & Orders (10:00am)



Employment Situation (8:30am)

Trade Balance (8:30am)

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