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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: March 20 – March 24, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: March 20 – March 24, 2017




Apparently, the realization in early November that eight years of runaway regulation, spending, and taxes were over made Americans substantially more optimistic about the economy’s prospects. The stock market, consumer sentiment about the economy’s future, and small business sentiment are all about 10% higher than at the end of last October. Notably, these measures have reached post-recession (after June 2009) highs since the November election.


Note: The primary sources for the stock market come from the S&P 500 index, the small business sentiment data comes from the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index, and the consumer sentiment from the Conference Board’s Consumer Expectations Index. These were all normalized to a value of 100 for October 2016.




News & Commentary Weekly Highlights


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

  • Consumer Price Index (February)
    • Core CPI (excludes food and energy):          Feb: 2.2%       Jan: 2.3%        Dec: 2.2%
    • Overall CPI:                                                    Feb: 2.7%       Jan: 2.5%        Dec: 2.1%
    • Noteworthy: While the Federal Reserve uses a broader measure of inflation (the core personal consumption expenditures price index) to determine its goal of maintaining 2% average inflation, inflation trends continue to move upward, making further Fed interest rate hikes more likely this year.


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