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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: April 10 – April 14, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: April 10 – April 14, 2017

CHART OF THE WEEK: Dearth of New Businesses Since Recession


Total number of new businesses in the United States


Research by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG) shows that in 2014, the most recently reported year, there were 154,000 fewer startup firms than in 2006 (see EIG’s report). Applying EIG’s estimate that the average startup creates six new jobs per year, the lower number of startups in 2014 implies 924,000 fewer jobs created that year and a cumulative total of 3.4 million fewer new jobs between 2007 and 2014. A JEC hearing on the Decline of Economic Opportunity in the United States: Causes and Consequences, addressed this and related subjects last week. A summary of the hearing can be found here.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

March: 98,000            February: 219,000      January: 216,000

    • Headline unemployment rate (U-3)

March: 4.5%               February: 4.7%           January: 4.8%

    • “True” unemployment rate (U-6)

March: 8.9%               February: 9.2%           January: 9.4%

    • Noteworthy: The nonfarm jobs number was disappointing. However, the headline unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in nearly 10 years. The “true” unemployment rate—which also accounts for workers who would like full-time work but can only find part-time work for economic reasons as well as discouraged workers who want a job but believe none are available to them—has fallen below 9% for the first time since December 2007.


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