Daily Econ Digest Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

Consumer Price Index (December)

Headline CPI

Core CPI



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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update January 19-23, 2015

Weekly Economic Update January 19-23, 2015

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Daily Econ Digest Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

Consumer Price Index (December)

Headline CPI

  • CPI: -0.4%, 12-mo avg.: 0.1%, Year-over-year: 0.7%
  • Previous month: -0.3%
  • Market expectations: -0.4%
  • Underlying component changes: Energy fell 4.7%, gasoline dropped 9.4%.
  • This was the largest decrease in CPI since December 2008.

Core CPI

  • CPI excluding food & energy: 0.0%, 12-mo avg.: 0.1%, Year-over-year: 1.6%
  • Previous month: 0.1%
  • Market expectations: 0.1%
  • Underlying component changes: Shelter index increased 0.2%, medical care posted its largest increase, 0.5%, since August 2013; these increases were offset by other indices.



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